Title : Cable Protectors
P.P.C. cable cannot withstand compression strain (Vehicle Traffic) without damage.
Cable on walking surfaces is a hazard to pedestrians
Accessibility (lower profile) cable protectors are now widely available
P.P.C. cable cannot withstand compression strain (Vehicle Traffic) without damage.
Cable on walking surfaces is a hazard to pedestrians
Accessibility (lower profile) cable protectors are now widely available
Title: Small portable batteries and chargers
Low voltage batteries and chargers have caused an increase in fires on job sites.
The installation and operation of these units requires proper oversight and to follow manufacturers as well as code specifications.
Low voltage batteries and chargers have caused an increase in fires on job sites.
The installation and operation of these units requires proper oversight and to follow manufacturers as well as code specifications.
Title : Twofers/”Y” cords Bulletin
Awareness of approval and code issues highlighted
Awareness of approval and code issues highlighted
Title : Entertainment Set LED Systems
Inspection requirements, fixture and cable temperature levels as well as Voltage drop percentages are some of the issues covered.
Inspection requirements, fixture and cable temperature levels as well as Voltage drop percentages are some of the issues covered.